
Dutch Auction

This gives an agent the behavior of a dutch auction which starts at a set price (usually much higher than it is worth) and decreases the price until a bidder decides to bid and claim the item. Used in Bidding Model.

This gives an agent the behavior of a dutch auction which starts at a set price (usually much higher than it is worth) and decreases the price until a bidder decides to bid and claim the item. Used in Bidding Model.

Needed Initialization Variables: (1) dutch_price (2) dutch_start --> True when the auction begins and False otherwise

Paired Behaviors: (1) Auctioned Item—> (https://hash.ai/index/5e86412feb2a711afc2fe0c1/auctioned-item) (2) Bidder (https://hash.ai/index/5e863d59eb2a716b802fe0b6/bidder) (3) Bid (https://hash.ai/index/5ed7fdca640ccc2c1e0e565b/bid)