
Vickrey Auction

This gives an agent the behavior of a vickrey auction where each bidder submits a single bid and the agent with the highest bid is chosen. However, the winner wins with the second highest bid instead of their own. Used in Bidding Model.

This gives an agent the behavior of a vickrey auction where each bidder submits a single bid and the agent with the highest bid is chosen. However, the winner wins with the second highest bid instead of their own. Used in Bidding Model.

Paired Behaviors: (1) Auctioned Item—> (https://hash.ai/index/5e86412feb2a711afc2fe0c1/auctioned-item) (2) Bidder (https://hash.ai/index/5e863d59eb2a716b802fe0b6/bidder) (3) Bid (https://hash.ai/index/5ed7fdca640ccc2c1e0e565b/bid)