

Open multi-agent simulation engine


Open sim engine

hEngine is HASH's next-generation simulation engine. Complementing hCore and hCloud it provides an open, self-hosted alternative to solutions like AnyLogic, FlexSim and Simio.

When you build HASH simulations, there’s no risk of platform lock-in, and you can switch providers or self-host at any time.

The source code for hEngine is available exclusively on GitHub.

Accessible and extensible

hEngine is written in Rust, and models can be written in a variety of additional languages including Python, and JavaScript.

We plan to introduce support for TypeScript and R in the coming months, and welcome your feedback on where our focus should be subsequently.

Best-in-class performance

HASH was borne of a need for much higher levels of performance and scalability than existing commercial simulation engines offered.

hEngine lets users run simulations containing thousands of parameters and millions of agents on cheap commodity cloud infrastructure.