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1 - 10 of 105 results
Collect Auctions
This behavior enables agents to collect auction opening messages. These messages contain the position of the auctioned agent as well as the current auction price. Used in Local Competition.
Auctioned Item
This behavior enables agents to use different types of auctions to auction themselves off to other agents. Used in Bidding Model.
Update Auctions
Agents with this behavior update the current price of auction listings stored in their 'open_auctions' dictionary. This behavior is used in the Local Competition.
Collect Auction Winners
This behavior collects the winner of all recently closed auctions and stores the auction's winning information if the current agent is the highest bidder. Used in Local Competition.
Timed Auction
This gives an agent the behavior of an auction open for a certain amount of steps. Used in Bidding Model.
Dutch Auction
This gives an agent the behavior of a dutch auction which starts at a set price (usually much higher than it is worth) and decreases the price until a bidder decides to bid and claim the item. Used in...
English Auction
This gives an agent the behavior of an english auction which continues to receive bids until only one bid remains and no agents are willing to bid any further. Used in Bidding Model.
Vickrey Auction
This gives an agent the behavior of a vickrey auction where each bidder submits a single bid and the agent with the highest bid is chosen. However, the winner wins with the second highest bid instead...
Sealed Bid Auction
This gives an agent the behavior of a sealed bid auction where each bidder submits a single bid and the highest bid is chosen as the winner. Used in Bidding Model.
Auctions Example
The world of NFTs is perhaps the most visible part of the crypto ecosystem, and it is one where auction theory is on full display. We cover a number of topics within auction design, which has...